Monday, October 20, 2008

What is Blogging: The New Form of Journalism

Ever wonder why most all of the teens today are addicted to the internet? Well it has everything a young exploring mind needs. From browsing the net for document researches, shopping, cooking, gaming, chat, and a whole bunch of stuff going inside a website’s offer.
Yep, all of these including one secluded part of a teen’s life which is their journal. Don’t believe me? Then try hooking up on the internet now and see how much there is that is available today.
Aside from being a window for the readers to see what’s on the author’s mind, a blog lets him elaborate on facts or scribble out whatever idea that pops out his head. A blog is a simplified term for “web blog”-a new generation medium for writing articles, essays, statements and the like.
It’s usually composed of texts or sometimes pictures and multimedia topics. If you’re tired of jotting down every single detail of your life’s worth on paper, why not try the new fad of journalism which is blogging. Blogging literally means sharing a comment of life through the internet.
It is an up-to-date source. A sequence of events. A timeless exhibit of creativity and style. An outlet for one’s self.
The popularity of blog comes in different areas. Anyone can write anything that comes out of his head. Whether a walk on a sunny day or a dip into California ’s wild waters, it serves as a diary and is readily updated. What’s good about blogging is that it is not bounded by editing and is cheap.
The commercial velocity of a blog depends on a writer’s instinct to create a worthy article. Either formative or informative, rational or irrational, for as long as the readers can visualize what the author has posted your blog’s a hit.
Technical specialties and skills, not necessary. Publishing freedom, an advantage. All that is needed is for you to have a witty mind, a desire to share ideas and part of your story, and a bit of knowledge to toggle into the internet. Grammatical errors are welcome. No editors and publishing companies to please. Journalism without rules or guidelines to follow and what’s best is that readers could post a comment or be inspired to write one too.
Blogging wouldn’t be difficult if you have the right recipes. Not just a simple-text article, a blog may be enhanced or converted into other types like an audio blog or a video blog. Nowadays, blogs are more sophisticated and advanced. Element of a blog starts from a good and captivating headline down to the author’s personal profile. Included herewith are the blog post, permalink (combined term for “permanent link”), and the reader’s comments.
A friend of mine is a blogger. She would entertain herself by posting blogs on her web page. She told me that blogging is an advantage for her to speak up to the world of the things that’s keeping her shut. And I quote, “I am an internet junkie. I am not a big fan of journalism or any kind of writing.
But it all changed when the blogging fever entered internet society. I appreciated it more when I felt everything that’s written are real and not just a compulsory decoy to deliver information. Right then, I became a part of a bigger picture.”
Trapped in a world of unwanted opinions, blogging is a benefit. But everything has its own consequences. Blogs are much harder to manage than that of the broadcast media. In politically sensitive issues, blogs can be considered as a political misfit. Results are triggered through suppression of bloggers and punishments were made. Another grave case is the issue of defamation and liability. Nevertheless, blogging is still out there. So if you’re the type who has the snap for writing, give blogging a shot. You never know how much it would contribute to the society and to your pockets.

Fishing Tips and Techniques

Fishing provides a great way to relax and observe nature. It can be a fun hobby that can continue throughout your lifetime. It is a sport that can be done alone or with others and can be done on many types of lakes, rivers, streams and ponds. To keep fishing enjoyable try these easy tips

* Learn about the type of fish you want to catch. You will do much better at catching them if you pay attention to their feeding preferences as well as where they are most likely to be.

* Use the proper gear for the fish you want to catch. This gives you the best chance of catching fish. If you use the wrong sized hooks or rod and reel you will be disappointed in not getting any nibbles.

* Follow the lead of others. Take your cue from more experienced anglers. When in doubt, ask questions.

* Use maps or a depth finder to see the depth of the water and to locate areas where fish are most likely to be.

* Fish at the time of day that your particular fish like to eat. Many fish prefer to feed in the early morning or just before dark and may not come out of hiding during other times.

* When fish aren't biting try using live bait. Most fish can't resist a properly positioned fresh meal for the taking. Placement is everything so be sure to think about where your fish are hiding out.

* Use weed less lures in weedy areas and near trees. They will help keep you from getting stuck and losing lures or baits.

* Practice safety around water. Always wear a life jacket when you are in a boat. Keep little ones away from the water's edge.

* Keep several types and colors of lures and jigs in your tackle box. When fishing is slow you can try using other styles to see if your luck improves.

* Take care when casting. Look behind you and make sure you have plenty of room. Many fishermen get hooked each year. Usually the hooks are superficial and are easily removed. However, if there is a deep hook don't try to remove it yourself. Make a visit to the local emergency room to ensure that the hook is properly removed without pain or further injury.

* Sunfish or pan fish are often easy to catch from shore. They are great for beginners and children because they build confidence. Kids will easily get bored if there is no action and to them catching a few tiny sun fish is more exciting than waiting for the big fish that never comes.

* Fishing can be more enjoyable with someone else. Find a friend to take along.

* If a full day of fishing seems too long try fishing in local areas that you can get to easily. Fish for an hour or two at a time.

* When renting a fishing boat be sure you know how to use it. Watch the weather and head back in when threatening weather may be approaching.

How to Increase Your Metabolism and Burn Fat

The harder you work out and the closer you come to achieving your goals, the harder it seems to lose the last bit of fat. How do you get around this problem? This article will provide you with information on how you can increase your metabolism and meet your goals. Whether you're just starting out or been at it for years, the following information will be beneficial to you.
As frustrating as it is to try to lose weight, keep in mind that this is your body's way of self-preservation - your body is designed to protect your fuel reserves from running too low, just in case food becomes scarce. This was a nice biological feature in the past, but here in the 21st century, this "feature" is hardly necessary! How do you get around this problem? By increasing your metabolism! Here's some ways to make that happen!
1. Skip the long runs. Distance running doesn't enhance your fat-burning. It's much more effective to do short sprints of thirty seconds, interspersed with a slow jog.
2. As time goes on, the same amount of activity burns fewer calories - your body adapts to your level of work, causing you to keep "upping" the workout to achieve the results you were having before. For example, University of California at Berkley scientists found that to avoid age-related weight gain, runners needed to "up" their weekly mileage by 1.7 miles each year. So, think beyond your last workout - and think about what you can do on your next!
3 When weight training, do eight to 15 repetitions of each set. This stimulates an increase in fat-burning hormones, compared to less or more reps. Just make sure you use weights that challenge you. If you do eight repetitions with a weight you could do 15 reps with - you're not having an effective workout. Try to give 90 to 100 percent of your full effort for any given repetition range. If you struggle on your last repetition - you're in the zone!
4. Do two to four sets of each exercise. Yes, the more you do, the better...but only up to a point. Beyond 4 sets, you might be increasing your strength, but for fat burning, the extra sets above 4 don't really help! So, start with two sets as you start working out, and work up to four as your conditioning improves.
5. Keep your rest periods between sets no more than 75 seconds. Keeping your rest periods shorter builds lactate in your bloodstream - and high lactate levels are associated with an increase in the release of fat-burning hormones. Resting too long lets your body process out the lactate in your bloodstream, negating the positive benefits.
6. Lift slow, not fast - and alternate between two exercises. Taking your time puts the stress on your muscles (which burn fuel) and off your tendons (which not only don't burn fat, but also can become injured from that stress). And, follow with a set that works a different muscle group. Not only does this help you limit your rest periods (keeping your lactate levels high), but also helps you offset fatigue!
7. Work your whole body. Work multiple muscles, rather than isolate specific muscle groups. And, the bigger / more muscles you work, the greater the benefit. For example - doing squats will elevate your metabolism far better than working your biceps - and working all your muscle groups in a workout means more muscles burning fuel. And, as your muscles keep burning fuel even after a workout - up to 39 hours afterword! Plus, a University of Wisconsin study found that doing a full-body workout with just three big-muscle exercises (bench press, power clean, and squat) - you'll burn a greater percentage of calories from fat compared with only targeting a couple of small muscle groups.

Managing Stress 101

If your response to a stress event is inadequate or inappropriate you will experience certain physiological responses: sweating, rapid heart rate, slowing of your digestive system, and a shot of adrenaline.
Over time, your continued inadequate or inappropriate responses to stress will cause the triad of stress affects: swelling of the adrenal glands, atrophy or shrinking lymphatic system, and irritation of the digestive system.
Your job if you choose to accept it is to cope with stress and even reduce stress by finding the correct stress management technique and using them over a long period of time.
Just like anything, there are rules and procedures to follow. To stop your stress freight train you need resistance. You stop fueling it. You apply the breaks. You use gravity or another natural force to assist you.
Look at your task of controlling stress. Does anything about stopping a freight train apply to you?
Can you find some form of resistance -- something to keep yourself from collapsing in the face of stress? Your body needs energy from real foods, adrenal gland support, rest, exercise, and relaxation.
Stop fueling your stress. Stop giving it energy. It will continue to grow unless you stop fueling it. Stop giving your stress what it needs to multiply. If you can avoid stressful situations in the first place you will be far ahead of the game. What are some areas, places, or people that you can avoid that by doing so will reduce your stress?
Apply the breaks to your stress. Where can you draw the line and make boundaries? Make your own rules about this stress and stand firm on them. No more taking on extra work. No more dating that certain person. No more eating that big glob of ice cream at night and regretting it in the morning. Make new rules – stress-free rules you can use to guide yourself before you put yourself into that stressful situation again.
Memories causing stress need to be addressed. Not the memory but your response to it. There are ways to neutralize your responses to negative or stress-causing memories. These require some physical work on your part but are well worth doing. I have detailed several techniques in my manual.
Use some natural force to assist you. Laughing is in. What can you do everyday to increase your laughter? Who makes you laugh? What do you read that cracks a smile?
Exercise reduces your stress. It is a fact that exercise improves your body’s muscle tone, circulation, oxygenation, and other functions thereby improving your ability to cope with stress.
Music sounds good. Music can change a mood and stress levels in moments. What can you listen to that takes your mind of the stress at hand? Turn it on and turn it up and take it with you all day.
Relaxation is a pleasant thought. Have you just sat for five minutes and not done anything? Sit for a moment and take some deep breaths. Do nothing for a change on purpose.

Managing stress is two points.
1. Find out what it is that causes you stress; avoid it and make new rules about it.
2. Do something that powerfully reduces stress and do it over a long time, daily.

Are Energy Drinks Safe?

Need an energy boost? More people than ever are turning to so called energy drinks for increased stamina, alertness, better workouts, late night partying, and who knows what else. It’s now estimated that there are as many as 200 different brands of energy drinks in the U.S., bringing in close to 1 billion dollars in annual sales.
You can probably guess where the kick in these drinks comes from. An 8 oz AMP (a Mountain Dew spin-off) has 77 mg of caffeine. An 8.3-ounce Red Bull contains 70 mg. The University of Florida College of Medicine recently found 105 mg of caffeine in a 6.5 oz can of Starbucks Doubleshot. By comparison, a typical 8 oz. cup of brewed coffee has around 85 mg of caffeine.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends limiting the amount of caffeine in a 12 oz soda to 65 mg, but energy drinks are not regulated and many exceed that threshold by a wide margin. Is this much caffeine dangerous?
Since the level of caffeine per ounce is similar to regular coffee, indulging in an occasional energy drink is probably safe for most adults. Problems can arise, however, when energy drinks are added to a diet already loaded with caffeine. Children, pregnant women, those with high blood pressure, or those who are hypersensitive to caffeine should be careful with energy drinks. Since caffeine and prolonged exercise both promote dehydration, using energy drink before such activity is not recommended.
The common practice of mixing energy drinks with alcohol is also strongly discouraged. One is a stimulant, and one is a depressant, and both contribute to dehydration. While many mistakenly believe that extra caffeine negates the affects of alcohol, the reality is that blood alcohol will remain the same with or without the added energy drink, along with your level of intoxication.
Besides caffeine, many energy drink companies have added vitamins, amino acids and other “natural” ingredients, a few of which the impact on health are not well known. Don’t forget sugar- a regular 8.3 oz can of Red Bull has 27 grams, or 110 calories.
If you are looking for a cheap buzz, choose regular coffee over energy drinks (unless you drink at Starbucks). The typical 8 oz energy drink will cost more than $2.
There is probably nothing wrong with an occasional energy drink for most people, but they may pose problems for those who choose to push the limits.

Learn To Cure Your Acne Naturally

More and more acne sufferers are now turning to treating their skin condition naturally. This is because doctors are now too quick to prescribe an oral drug for a problem that can be controlled with a nutritious diet and a healthier lifestyle. No drug will cure anything if you're continually feeding the cause with poor lifestyle habits.
Doctors won't prescribe a healthy, natural approach to treating acne because prescribing drugs is what keeps them in their job. Continual use of drugs can cause unwanted side effects, and this is what is putting more an more people off of visiting their doctor for the treatment of their acne.
So what would be your best approach to treating your skin? First of it's important to keep your skin clean, and you can do this easily with a medicated, anti-bacterial soap. It doesn't need to be a prescription strength chemical based soap, it can be one that you can buy straight of the shelf in your local grocery store. As long as it kills bacteria and keeps your skin clean there's nothing else you need it to do.
All you need to do is wash your skin morning and night, and this is to wash away all the dead skin cells, oil and bacteria. Doing this gives your skin the room it needs to breath, and leaves less on your skin to clog up any pores.
Keeping your skin moist is very important. Dry skin can encourage acne, and cause the pores to become more clogged. Drinking plenty of water every day will help your skin stay supple and moist. You should aim for at least 8 glasses of water spread out through the day. If you body becomes dehydrated your skin will become too dry, and then your acne can get worse.
Eat a diet that is filled with foods full of nutrition. Fresh fruit and vegetables are the foods you need your diet to consist of the most. Your body relies on vitamins and minerals to function properly, and your skin needs them for it to look good too.
If you want to eat junk food that is filled with fat, and has zero nutritional value then your skin will reflect what you're putting into your body.
A diet that is filled with these poor foods also puts more toxins into your body, and these toxins put a strain on your internal organs. When your internal organs have to work harder this has an effect on the way your skin looks, and also has an effect on your energy levels.
Regular exercise helps keep your skin clear. Exercise helps your body excrete toxins through sweating, and it also gives all of your internal organs a good workout. Your blood pumps faster, and exercise will release endorphins so you feel better, and when you feel better you look better.
Using these tips for clearer skin will have a much more positive effect on your life than taking drugs for a year or two that only mask a cause of your acne.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

learn how to swim.

No matter your age, swimming is an important skill, especially if you live or vacation near water. Learning to swim is very much like learning to ride a bicycle. Once you learn, you will never forget.If you are looking for lessons for you child, you should check with your community pool or the local Red Cross for certified instructors. Having someone certified will guarantee your child learns not just the basics of the strokes, but also water safety rules.The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends waiting to begin swimming lessons until your children are at least four years old, however, younger children can still be taught to enjoy the water and to feel comfortable around it. Swim lessons are not a guarantee against drowning, they do increase your child’s chances of escaping a water emergency without injury. You should always supervise young children when in or near water of even shallow depth.To teach your child to swim, follow the same suggestions for teaching yourself to swim that are found below. Remember to give your child plenty of encouragement and support. It is okay to start them off with floatation devices as the first step is to become comfortable in the water.If you are an adult who doesn’t swim, don’t worry! It is never too late to learn to swim. The first thing to do is find a swim instructor who will help you learn to be comfortable and in control in the water. This is especially important if you are afraid of the water. Learning the actual strokes will not help if you are tense or nervous in the water.If you want to teach yourself to swim, first determine how deep the water is. If you are swimming in a pool, it is usually posted somewhere nearby. If you are in a lake, wade into the water until you are at a comfortable depth – one where you can touch and still get your head above water. Never dive into water in which you are uncertain of the depth or location things you might hit while diving.While you are learning to swim and until you gain confidence in your abilities remain in water that is not over your head in case you become tired while swimming. First, practice treading water. For this, you will have to be in water very nearly over your head. Treading water involves kicking your feet downward, as if you are riding a bicycle while “dog paddling” water with your hands. The dog paddle is a short, rapid stroke performed in front of the body with hands cupped. This stroke will keep you fairly stationary and your head above water.Next, practice floating. You can float on your back (back float) or stomach (jellyfish or deadman’s float). Either of these involves taking in a breath of air and holding it. Only your shoulders and head

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Lies, Lies And Half Truths. – How To Tell If A Person Is Lying

One of the areas that I have always been interested in is ‘body language’. Body language usually refers to non-verbal communication signaled by the position and posture of a person’s body. This is thought to be a more automatic responses, and much less considered than a person’s actual words. The understanding of body language is an excellent method of gaining an advantage. One aspect of the use of body language is the way a person’s body is positioned when the speaker is lying. The ability to distinguish the truth from a lie can make the difference between a good decision and a poor one.The following are some simple methods widely used to judge how truthful a person is being about what they are telling you. It should, of course, be remembered that these are indications only. The use of body language is not an exact science but it certainly provides food for thought.Reactions and method of interaction.
Someone who is lying will be uncomfortable when they have to face the person asking them questions or accusing them of a lie. Often this will translate into a person turning their body or head in a different direction.
It is also the case that a person who is lying will get very defensive. A person who is telling the truth will be more likely to attack or go on the offensive.
Liars may try to put physical barriers between them and the accuser. This may translate into the unconscious placing of an object, such as a piece of furniture, between themselves and the person who they are lying to, or they may cross their arms.

Body language
The physical expressions of a liar may appear to be stiff or limited. It is typical to see less hand and arm movement. The liar will try to withdraw into their own space.
A liar will often try to avoid eye contact. There of course may be other reasons for this response too and people with experience in a bi-cultural or multicultural setting may come across this trait without it being an indication or otherwise of honesty.
Another point that is often referred to in the literature on this topic is the tendency of someone who is lying is put their hands up near their face. Perhaps they will touch their throat or mouth, scratch their ear etc.

Contradictory emotional gestures.
The expressions or gestures do not match the verbal statement. For example a frown when they are saying something is very nice.
The expressions of a liar tend to be more often limited just to mouth movements when emotion is being faked, instead of using the whole face. A common example of this is with a smile. A ‘real’ smile involves the whole face the jaw and cheeks move, their eyes and forehead push down, nose may wrinkle and eyes may get squished. A forced or ‘fake’ smile sees only those muscles around the mouth move. A quick way to judge this is to look at person’s eyes.
Often duration and timing of the emotional gestures and the emotion are out of sync. The emotion displayed may stay longer than natural and also may stop very suddenly. This is because people are thinking it through, not letting it happen.

The timing between the emotional expression or gesture and the words spoken do not link up. Think of when someone has given you a present you have not really liked, you say ‘it’s great’ and then remember to smile.

The verbal content and context
A contracted statement is more likely to be true. A correct, more drawn out statement once again shows though rather than reaction. I.e. ‘I didn’t do it’ as compared with ‘No I did not do that thing’
Liars will often try to avoid actually lying. This is done by not making direct statements. The liar may imply an answer rather than denying it completely. I.e. Do you really think I would do something like that?
A liar will often try to reuse the words or phrase when denying something. Q. Did you take that money? A. No I did not take that money.
it has also been noted that liars may tend not to use pronouns. Their speech may be in a more monotonous tone than normal. A truthful statement tends to see emphasis placed on pronouns.
People that are telling lies also often become unusually verbose. The liar will often speak much more than normal. Thinking they need to convince you their answer is truthful.
A liar may mumble, or garble their words. The liar may speak very softly; the grammar and syntax may seem unnatural. The sentences may be not emphasized or muddled.

Other ways to detect a liar
One good method for catching out a liar is to change the subject of a conversation quickly. The liar will be happy, follow along quickly and may appear to visibly relax. The liar wants the subject changed; a truthful person will in these circumstances often appear confused and try to change the subject back to the previous subject.
A liar may try to use sarcasm or humor to avoid the subject.

The above are ‘indicators of lies’ not ‘proof of lies’. When judging if a person is lying these behaviors can be compared to their normal behaviour. Behaviors out of context are a good indicator of untruth.
The concept involved in these indicators are that a liar must think through actions, they do not come naturally, while an honest person just reacts.

What Is Soccer And Why Is One Of The Most Popular Sport On Earth

Soccer is also known as football. It is a game played by two teams of eleven players who kick a ball and try to score goals. The measurement of a football field is: Length 100 yds. to 130 yds; Breadth 50 yds. to 56 yds; Goal width 8 yds; Bar 8 ft. from ground; area 6 yds. From each goal post; Ball 27 inches in circumference; Duration of the game is 90 minutes maximum. Features Soccer or football is a team sport, and is the most popular sport worldwide. The players keep maneuvering the ball and ultimately aim for a short at goal. The goalkeeper tries hard to stop the ball from crossing the goal line. Except for the goalkeeper the other players are not supposed to use their hands to propel the ball, others have to position the ball by using their feet, torso or head. The team that scores the maximum number of goals is declared the winner. In case the match is a tie, it is either declared as draw or is given extra time or penalty shootout Equipments The simplicity of the game, uncomplicated rule and the requirement of a sole device –a ball make it a widespread sport. All the players have to follow a certain dress-code, which includes, shirts, shorts, socks, shoes and shin guards. Wearing jewelry, watches and things that can harm other players or themselves is prohibited. The goalkeeper has to wear clothes that will distinguish him from the rest of the team members. A maximum of three players can substitute during international and domestic matches. The match is authorized by a referee on the field, and his decision is considered final. History of soccer Soccer originated in 206 BC when the Han dynasty ruled over China. A game known as Tsu Chu similar to soccer was played on the occasion of the emperor’s birthday. During the 11th century young boys in England played a game with an inflated bladder of the cow. This game often ended in violent clashes between the two teams as a result was ultimately banned. Football resurfaced in 1623 in England and by 1820 some schools began promoting football on the grounds that it built in health and strength. On similar lines of soccer, but with different variation rugby, baseball, basketball emerged.

Tips on Flat Stomach

There are just no right away fixes. We need to strategize and work our way into any true success we want, whether flat belly or economic achievement. There are several folks who acquire various pills simply because they accept that it’ll give them a belly that is flat but various pills aren’t what they require; they ought to find the correct way to get flat belly that works. You ought to know the basics as regards the duties of abs muscles as well as the technique the body uses to burn fat, if you are serious to thin your waistline efficaciously. Sometimes, it is not enough to count on info from magazines or the local gym; you will not be wrongful to confer with a real authority on personal fitness if you are not excited with your condition. A serious flat belly work out is lying on your back on the floor as well as raising your legs about a foot plus keeping them stiff for about 10 seconds; concentrate on your abs while doing this work out and it’ll aid in tightening your butt and thighs. You might be dieting for the wrong reasons if your case isn’t that of a fat belly but a bloated tummy; in such a case the sufferer will surely be wasting his|her time fighting the wrong battles. Ensure that you know the exact condition of your big belly before you commence dieting. A team sport like football or rugby is a serious technique that gets you to exercise as a result of the fact that you will not desire to let your team down, so you’ll constantly be encouraged to do your best. Isometrics refers to a muscle’s contraction in the absence of any joint movement and this is a system which has been scientifically proven to build muscles in addition to strength. To straighten this up, it is not out of the question to get flat belly if you stick to the appropriate routine, eat well as well as rest properly; majority of folks have gone from huge belly to flat belly… if they could, you can as well.

Monday, October 13, 2008

How to improve your relationship with your mother

The bond between mother and daughter is often thought to be impenetrable; unfortunately, many mothers and daughters have a hard time relating to each other, and their relationships become strained. If you and your mother do not have a relationship that is as strong as you wish it was, then it is likely bother you. Despite all of your problems with your mother, it is natural to desire closeness between the two of you.

You are who you are today because of your past. If you and your mother had a difficult relationship while you were growing up, then you may have a difficult relationship in the present. Holding a grudge is actually very natural. However, if you do not face, accept, and forgive your mother for what you perceive as mistakes in the past, then you will never be able to have a good relationship with her in your present. Try to think about why your past was so turbulent to begin with. Were you a rebellious teenager? Is it possible that your mother was being overprotective because she wanted to keep you safe? Remember, your mother is a human being, capable of making mistakes, capable of being afraid, and capable of being weak. Maybe she was too hard on you when you were growing up, but that was probably because she loved you so fiercely. It may have seemed at the time that she was trying to stifle your enjoyment of life, but that is very unlikely the reality of the situation. Talk to your mother about the past. Tell her why you have harbored resentment towards her, and give her the opportunity to express her point of view. If your parents divorced when you were child, and you were left in the position of choosing sides, then you may resent your mother for causing your relationship with your father to deteriorate. As a child, you may not have understood your mother’s feelings regarding the divorce. Now, as an adult, it is possible for you to listen to what your mother has to say and forgive her. Understanding often leads to forgiveness. If you felt that your mother was never there for you when you were growing up, and you always felt as if you were left to raise yourself, then you are likely to harbor anger towards your mother. However, now that you’re an adult, you may be able to take pity on your mother for the type of life she has led. You owe it to yourself to give your mother the opportunity to defend her actions so that you might understand why things were the way they were while you were growing up. It is time to look at your mother in a new way, with an open mind and a forgiving spirit. You are by no means supposed to forget your past, but you are absolutely supposed to come to terms with it.

Relationships are like gardens – they need water to grow. You can’t expect that your relationship with your mother will be strong unless you maintain it. Spending time with your mother should be a priority in your life. You only get one mother – don’t take her for granted. Many people lose touch with their parents when they move out of the house – you don’t automatically see each other every day anymore, so you have to put in an effort to stay in touch. Maybe when you went away to college, or you first left the home, you talked to your mother on the telephone every couple of days, and after a while it shot down to every week, then every couple weeks, then maybe once a month by the time you were a senior in college – as your life became more independent, you became less dependent on your mother and your parents. There’s nothing wrong with that – you are an adult; your relationship with your parents should no longer be about dependency; it should be about love. It should be about friendship. It should be fun – not dreaded. Make it a habit to call your mother every week – no exceptions. Get used to talking to your mother as a friend, not an authority figure. Even though you’re an adult, there can still be a tendency to talk to your mother in a different way than you would talk to any other adults. You become childish and defensive rather than friendly and respectful. Get to know your mother by talking to her about what’s going on in your life and by asking her about her own life. If you live in the same area, go out to lunch every couple weeks or go on a shopping trip together. Invite your mother to come for dinner with your family. Develop a relationship with your mother based on love, respect and friendship. If you free yourself from the shackles of the past that have been hindering your present, and you embrace future of your relationship with your mother, then your relationship will improve. If your relationship is severely strained, then talk to your mother about your desire to build camaraderie together – she probably wants the same thing.

Do You Affraid of it

What Happens in the Grave:

We believe in the Trial of the Grave, which involves questioning the deceased person in his grave about his Lord, his religion, and his prophet. There "Allah confirms those who believe with a firm saying, in the present life and the hereafter" (14:27). The believer will say: "Allah is my Lord, Islam is my religion, and Muhammad is my prophet." The unbeliever or the hypocrite will say: "I do not know. I heard the people saying something and I said it."

We believe in the comfort of the grave for the believers: "Those whose lives the angels take in state of purity, saying 'peace be on you; enter paradise for what you were doing' (16:32).

We believe in the punishment of the grave for the transgressing unbelievers: "If you could only see when the evildoers are in the agonies of death and the angels are stretching out their hands, saying, 'Give up your souls! Today you shall be rewarded with the punishment of humiliation for what you used to say untrue about Allah, and for scornfully rejecting His signs"' (6:93). The sayings of the Prophet are numerous and well-known in this area. A Muslim must believe in all that is reported in the Qur'an and the prophetic traditions concerning the unseen matters. He should not contradict it by his worldly experience, because the affairs of the hereafter cannot be measured by the affairs of this life. The difference between them is very great. Allah is the source of help.


Sources of His Attributes:

All that we have mentioned about Allah's attributes, whether briefly or in detail and affirmatively or negatively, is based on the book of our Lord (the Qur'an) and the traditions of our Prophet. It also agrees with the practice of the previous generations of Muslims and the rightly guided scholars who came after them.

We believe it is obligatory to take the texts of the Qur'an and the prophetic traditions conceding Allah's attributes at their face value and to interpret them in a way that is suitable to Almighty Allah. We reject the practice of those who twist the meanings of these texts and understand them in a way that was not intended by Allah and His messenger.

We also reject the practice of those who make them devoid of their meanings as conveyed by Allah and His Messenger. Finally, we reject the approach of those who exaggerate, who gave them a physical interpretation that makes Allah similar to some of His creatures.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Why we should fast.

Every fasting month, Muslims will together fast. Off course. Talk about fasting, why God ask us to fast until one month longer. Ya, there are something that we can share together about fast benefits.
  • fasting will gave us more health, physicly and mentality.
  • fasting will destroy the poison and toxic in our blood.
  • fasting can give us more fresh of muscle that will make us health, fresh and energies.
  • fasting also can make our life longer.
  • fasting will clean up our self from sin.
  • fasting can erode poison which in our body.
  • ....can balance our blood
  • ....can decrease our "high blood" and weight.
  • ....can make our eyes bright
  • ....clean up all the dirty in our body
  • if our blood is so acidic, therefore fasting can make our blood to be more alkaline.
Actually, only they who know about the benefit of fasting, knew it.

My lagend speech

Its about my best footballer ever i like. Im so admire him when he plays on the field. He always like to dance with the ball. That was beautiful. he have so many abilities to control the ball past through the enemy(the rival) and the goal keeper.. he was one of the fearest striker in the world.. in fact, there are many factor that i want to tell any body why i like he play football cause he is kine on the field. he is not like any others footballer in the world. he always got clean tackle on the ball. he also didnt like to play dirty football. almost of his goal was slow ball past through the keeper... beside him, there are not many player can score the goal with that moving ball. and it was genious. One thing that people would respect him is he can fool the defender so easily.. what the sweet moment for him..