Monday, October 20, 2008

Fishing Tips and Techniques

Fishing provides a great way to relax and observe nature. It can be a fun hobby that can continue throughout your lifetime. It is a sport that can be done alone or with others and can be done on many types of lakes, rivers, streams and ponds. To keep fishing enjoyable try these easy tips

* Learn about the type of fish you want to catch. You will do much better at catching them if you pay attention to their feeding preferences as well as where they are most likely to be.

* Use the proper gear for the fish you want to catch. This gives you the best chance of catching fish. If you use the wrong sized hooks or rod and reel you will be disappointed in not getting any nibbles.

* Follow the lead of others. Take your cue from more experienced anglers. When in doubt, ask questions.

* Use maps or a depth finder to see the depth of the water and to locate areas where fish are most likely to be.

* Fish at the time of day that your particular fish like to eat. Many fish prefer to feed in the early morning or just before dark and may not come out of hiding during other times.

* When fish aren't biting try using live bait. Most fish can't resist a properly positioned fresh meal for the taking. Placement is everything so be sure to think about where your fish are hiding out.

* Use weed less lures in weedy areas and near trees. They will help keep you from getting stuck and losing lures or baits.

* Practice safety around water. Always wear a life jacket when you are in a boat. Keep little ones away from the water's edge.

* Keep several types and colors of lures and jigs in your tackle box. When fishing is slow you can try using other styles to see if your luck improves.

* Take care when casting. Look behind you and make sure you have plenty of room. Many fishermen get hooked each year. Usually the hooks are superficial and are easily removed. However, if there is a deep hook don't try to remove it yourself. Make a visit to the local emergency room to ensure that the hook is properly removed without pain or further injury.

* Sunfish or pan fish are often easy to catch from shore. They are great for beginners and children because they build confidence. Kids will easily get bored if there is no action and to them catching a few tiny sun fish is more exciting than waiting for the big fish that never comes.

* Fishing can be more enjoyable with someone else. Find a friend to take along.

* If a full day of fishing seems too long try fishing in local areas that you can get to easily. Fish for an hour or two at a time.

* When renting a fishing boat be sure you know how to use it. Watch the weather and head back in when threatening weather may be approaching.

1 comment:

ijat said...

i love fishing very much because it give me more challenge to wait until fish bite my lure. there are many tips that some people have to take care before goes fishing. fishing with suitable lures,times,place are always the right. maybe, some can trust with wearing dark cloth, spit the lure before throw,etc.